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The National Child Guarantee Action Plan has been prepared within the scope of the implementation of Council Recommendation (EU) 2021/1004 of 14 June 2021 establishing a European Child Guarantee, adopted during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which aims to ensure access to a set of essential services for all children and young people in the most vulnerable situations. On 17 January, the Council of Ministers approved, through Council of Ministers Resolution no. 3/2023, the National Child Guarantee Action Plan (PAGPI) 2022-2030. On March 19, 2024, the Interim Report was approved, which aims to demonstrate all the work that has been developed by the National Coordination of the Child Guarantee since the approval of the PAGPI in January 2023.

National Child Guarantee Action Plan 2022-2030
Biennal Report 2024

EU2030 Target

Europe - Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion (Less than 18 years)


Source: Eurostat 2023

Portugal - Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion (Less than 18 years)


Source: Eurostat 2023

News and Events

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Workshop Internacional de Aprendizagem entre Pares Apoio à implementação da Garantia para a Infância em Portugal: O papel fundamental dos instrumentos de governança e monitorização 31-01-2025

Workshop Internacional de Aprendizagem entre Pares Apoio à implementação da Garantia para a Infância em Portugal: O papel fundamental dos instrumentos de governança e monitorização 31-01-2025

Com o objetivo de desenvolver ferramentas estruturais que possam suportar a implementação da Garantia Europeia para a Infância em Portugal, encontra-se em curso, desde o ano de 2023, um Projeto de Assistência Técnica (IAT), desenvolvido com o apoio da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE) e financiado pela Direção‐Geral de Apoio às Reformas Estruturais da Comissão Europeia (DG REFORM).


Presentation of the Child Guarantee Action Plan 2022-2030

“The Child Guarantee is aimed to prevent and combat poverty and social exclusion by putting children and young people at the centre of its priorities, and therefore ensure that everyone  has guaranteed access to the same opportunities.”



                                                                                                           Sónia Almeida

   National Child Guarantee Coordinator