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European Child Guarantee

Under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee (Recommendation) was adopted on 14 June 2021 with the objective of preventing and combating social exclusion, ensuring access for children and young people to a set of essential services and promoting equal opportunities. In Portugal, although there has been a substantial improvement in the quality of life and well-being of children in the last years, they are still particularly vulnerable to the risk of poverty and social exclusion. On 1 October 2021, through the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 136/2021, Portugal has determined the appointment of a National Coordinator of the Child Guarantee.

Imagem GPI

National Coordination

It is crucial to break the intergenerational cycles of poverty and social exclusion that put social cohesion at risk from generation to generation.

It is crucial to break the intergenerational cycles of poverty and social exclusion that put social cohesion at risk from generation to generation.

On 1 October 2021, through the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 136/2021, Portugal has determined the appointment of a National Coordinator of the Child Guarantee whose responsibility is to ensure the development and fulfilment of the actions foreseen in the Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee, as well as the creation of a Technical Monitoring Committee represented by the government areas responsible for: Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Health, Education, Housing, Justice, Equality and Migration.  

Technical Monitoring Committee

The Technical Monitoring Committee is responsible for providing technical support to the National Coordinator and assist her in the implementation of actions within the scope of the respective intervention areas.

Esboço de 3 figuras

  • Equality and Migrations

Agency for Migration and Asylum Integration (AIMA) - José Reis

  • Governing area of ​​Justice

General Directorate of Reinsertion and Prison Services - Margarida Macedo

  • Governing area of ​​Labor, Solidarity and Social Security

National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People - Rosário Farmhouse

  • Government area of ​​Education

General Directorate of Education - Eulália Alexandre

  • Health governance area

Ministry of Health

  • Housing government area

Ministry of Housing

  • Governing area of ​​Youth and Sports

Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs

  • Government area of ​​Culture

Ministry of Culture

Main competences

The Council of Ministers Resolution no. 3/2023 of 17 January determines the competences of the National Coordinator of the Child Guarantee.

The Council of Ministers Resolution no. 3/2023 of 17 January determines the competences of the National Coordinator of the Child Guarantee.

The National Coordinator of the Child Guarantee is the Portuguese representative among the 27 National Coordinators of the EU Member States, responsible for the coordination and follow-up of the implementation of Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee.  

In order to achieve the Child Guarantee objectives in Portugal, in addition to the implementation of public policies, it is essential to strengthen social intervention based on local, integrated and community-based action, in relation to the poverty and social exclusion phenomena, with a particular focus on children and young people.

Taking into account the various intervention levels of the Child Guarantee, the aim is to assess over time the progress of the implementation of the Action Plan approved by Council of Ministers Resolution no. 3/2023 of 17 January, as well as its impact in terms of preventing and combating poverty among children and young people, as well as their households.

The dissemination of information and the participation of children and young people and their families are key priorities for an effective exercise of their Rights. In this sense, the Child Guarantee aims to contribute for the information to reach its recipients through this Portal and other initiatives.

The results will be regularly disseminated and reported to the European Commission.


Coordination and Multidisciplinary Technical Team

The Child Guarantee activity is supported by a multidisciplinary technical team, led by the National Coordinator.

The Child Guarantee activity is supported by a multidisciplinary technical team, led by the National Coordinator.

National Coordinator

  • Sónia Almeida

Technical Team

  • Ana de Sá Veríssimo


  • Carla Santos
  • Joana Machado
  • Lia Cavaleiro
  • Nélia Feliciano
  • Nélia Feliciano
  • Tatiana Jorge

Intersectoral Advisory Board of the National Coordination of the Child Guarantee

It is an advisory body on matters covered by the Child Guarantee Action Plan 2022-2030, aimed to contribute to the pursuit of the objectives and development of the measures set out in the Action Plan.dos objetivos e desenvolvimento das medidas constantes do Plano de Ação.

It is an advisory body on matters covered by the Child Guarantee Action Plan 2022-2030, aimed to contribute to the pursuit of the objectives and development of the measures set out in the Action Plan.dos objetivos e desenvolvimento das medidas constantes do Plano de Ação.

The Child Guarantee Action Plan 2022-2030 (PAGPI 2022-2030), adopted on 17 January 2023, constitutes a strategic challenge and a decisive milestone in preventing and combating poverty and social exclusion among children and young people, breaking the intergenerational cycles of poverty and promoting equal opportunities, by establishing a set of measures to ensure effective access to a set of essential services in early childhood care, education and school-based activities, health and nutrition, housing, employment and qualifications, social protection and action, and equality.

Given the quantity, diversity and intersectoral nature of the measures, the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 3/2023 of 17 January has established an intersectoral advisory board (CCI - Conselho Consultivo Intersectorial) with competence to issue opinions and recommendations on strategic issues relating to the implementation and development of the PAGPI 2022-2030, and to ensure the mobilisation, participation and contribution of organisations representing civil society, children, young people and families.


Levels of Governance

The implementation, management and operation of the Child Guarantee Action Plan requires a governance model that includes cooperation and coordination between its four levels:

Level I – Political Coordination – ensured by the Government member responsible for the solidarity and social security area.

Level II – Strategic and Technical Coordination – ensured by the National Coordinator and the respective team, assisted by the Technical Monitoring Committee (CTA – Comissão Técnica de Acompanhamento), composed of representatives from the government areas responsible for the actions’ implementation within the respective intervention areas;

Level III – Operationalisation – carried out by the bodies responsible for the measure’s implementation within the Child Guarantee Local Centres (NLGPI – Núcleos Locais da Garantia para a Infância), created within the scope of the Social Action Local Councils (CLAS – Conselhos Locais de Ação Social), as representative structures to implement the Council Recommendation at the local level;

Level IV – Advisory – composed of the Intersectoral Advisory Board (CCI – Conselho Consultivo Intersectorial), a body that issues opinions and recommendations and is aimed to ensure the mobilisation, participation and contribution of organisations representing civil society, as well as children, young people and families.