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Answers 1st Childhood

Answers 1st Childhood

Ensure access to quality 1st Childhood responses

Investing in early childhood contributes not only to the inclusion of children but also to an improvement in their socio-economic situation as adults.


Access to Essential Services

1 measures


Free kindergartens

Free kindergartens

  • What is it?
It is a measure that provides for access to free kindergartens from the social and solidarity sector. As of 1 January 2023, the free kindergartens network has been extended to the private sector for children born after September 2021.
Children covered by this measure will also have free access to all the activities and services usually provided at the kindergarten, during the years in which they attend it.
  • Who is entitled?
The measure applies to children born before 1 September 2021, covered by the 1st and 2nd social support income levels, in kindergartens from the social and solidarity network.
This measure also applies to all children born as of 1 September 2021, who attend the kindergartens and family kindergartens social responses from the solidarity network, as well as Social Security childminders and kindergartens from the for-profit sector that integrate the Reserve Pool of kindergartens within the scope of the measure for access to free kindergartens.
  • Who has priority in the access to free kindergartens?
The social and economic assessment of the family situation will be taken into account. However, there are the following priority criteria:
  • Children who attended the kindergarten in the previous year;
  • Children with disabilities/incapacities;
  • Children whose parents are minor students, or beneficiaries of personal assistance within the scope of Support for Independent Living (Apoio à Vida Independente) or recognized as primary informal carers, or children in foster care or at a shelter home;
  • Children with siblings, provided that it is proven that they belong to the same household and attend a response developed by the same entity;
  • Children who are beneficiaries of the Child Guarantee social benefit and/or the family benefit for children and young people (1st and 2nd income levels), whose guardians prove that they are residing in the area of influence of the social response;
  • Children who are beneficiaries of the Child Guarantee social benefit and/or the family benefit for children and young people (1st and 2nd income levels), whose guardians prove that they are carrying out a professional activity in the area of influence of the social response;
  • Children belonging to single-parent households or large families, whose guardians prove that they are residing in the area of influence of the social response;
  • Children whose guardians prove that they are residing in the area of influence of the social response;
  • Children belonging to single-parent households or large families, whose guardians prove that they are carrying out a professional activity in the area of influence of the social response;
  • Children whose guardians prove that they are carrying out a professional activity in the area of influence of the social response;
  • Children whose siblings are attending the same educational establishment.
  • Can I choose the kindergarten for my child to attend?

Families can choose the kindergarten they want their children to attend, provided there is a vacancy in the solidarity network (Social Solidarity Private Institutions with a cooperation agreement).

If there is no vacancy in the solidarity network, families may choose a kindergarten from the for-profit sector, provided that it integrates the Reserve Pool of kindergartens within the scope of the measure for access to free kindergartens. 

The HAPPY KINDERGARTEN APP is now available, a mobile phone application that allows you to consult the network of free kindergartens available in your residence area or place of work and to apply for the access to a free kindergarten.

  • Responsible entity
Social Security Institute