Operational Programme to Support the Most Deprived People (POAPMC)
Operational Programme to Support the Most Deprived People (POAPMC)
- What is it?
It is food support through the distribution of foodstuffs and/or basic necessities by public entities, with a view to distributing them to the most needy people, directly or using partner organizations.
- Who is it for?
People and/or families who are in a situation of economic need can receive this support, according to the concept of economic need applied by the Social Security Institute, I.P., within the scope of the social action subsystem.
They can also receive support for homeless people and undocumented people, according to the rules in force in the social security subsystem.
- How to access?
The identification of people in a situation of economic need is the responsibility of the beneficiaries of the program, and this situation is assessed by the monitoring and social assistance technician of the families, who may belong to a public body or an organization qualified for this purpose.
- Responsible entity
Institute of Social Security (ISS, IP)