Free kindergartens
Free kindergartens
- What is it?
- Who is entitled?
- Who has priority in the access to free kindergartens?
- Children who attended the kindergarten in the previous year;
- Children with disabilities/incapacities;
- Children whose parents are minor students, or beneficiaries of personal assistance within the scope of Support for Independent Living (Apoio à Vida Independente) or recognized as primary informal carers, or children in foster care or at a shelter home;
- Children with siblings, provided that it is proven that they belong to the same household and attend a response developed by the same entity;
- Children who are beneficiaries of the Child Guarantee social benefit and/or the family benefit for children and young people (1st and 2nd income levels), whose guardians prove that they are residing in the area of influence of the social response;
- Children who are beneficiaries of the Child Guarantee social benefit and/or the family benefit for children and young people (1st and 2nd income levels), whose guardians prove that they are carrying out a professional activity in the area of influence of the social response;
- Children belonging to single-parent households or large families, whose guardians prove that they are residing in the area of influence of the social response;
- Children whose guardians prove that they are residing in the area of influence of the social response;
- Children belonging to single-parent households or large families, whose guardians prove that they are carrying out a professional activity in the area of influence of the social response;
- Children whose guardians prove that they are carrying out a professional activity in the area of influence of the social response;
- Children whose siblings are attending the same educational establishment.
- Can I choose the kindergarten for my child to attend?
Families can choose the kindergarten they want their children to attend, provided there is a vacancy in the solidarity network (Social Solidarity Private Institutions with a cooperation agreement).
If there is no vacancy in the solidarity network, families may choose a kindergarten from the for-profit sector, provided that it integrates the Reserve Pool of kindergartens within the scope of the measure for access to free kindergartens.
The HAPPY KINDERGARTEN APP is now available, a mobile phone application that allows you to consult the network of free kindergartens available in your residence area or place of work and to apply for the access to a free kindergarten.
- Responsible entity