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Social Protection

Social Protection

Strengthening Social Protection for families with children and young people

In the context of the fight against child poverty and social inequalities, it is essential to build public policy instruments that strengthen structures, leverage the necessary resources and implement appropriate and effective measures to ensure effective equity for all children and young people.


Proteção Social e Ação Social

3 measures


Child Guarantee

Child Guarantee

  • What is it?

It is a benefit aimed to guarantee that all children and young people under the age of 18, at risk of extreme poverty, receive a global annual amount of the Family Benefit of €1200.

  • Who is entitled?
The recognition of the right to the Child Guarantee depends on the fulfilment of the following conditions, cumulatively. The beneficiary must:
  • be holder of the family benefit for children and young people;
  • be aged under 18;
  • belong to a household whose reference income is lower than 0.35xIASx14, considering the Social Support Index (IAS – Indexante dos Apoios Sociais) value in force on the date to which the calculated income concerns.
Please note: Social Support Index (IAS) value in 2023: €480,43



  • How to apply?
    This benefit is automatically granted. If the household fulfils the entitlement conditions and the person concerned is holder of the family benefit for children and young people, it is not necessary to submit an application. 
  • When does the Child Guarantee start to be paid?

If the entitlement conditions for the Child Guarantee are fulfilled, this benefit is paid as of the date the family benefit for children and young people is granted.

In cases where there was already entitlement to the family benefit for children and young people on the date the Child Guarantee was implemented, the Child Guarantee started to be paid as of July 2022.


  • How is the benefit paid?
    This cash support is paid together with the family benefit for children and young people.
  • Responsible entity

Instituto Segurança Social (ISS, IP)


Increase in the value of the family benefit for children and young people

Increase in the value of the family benefit for children and young people

  • What is it?
The increase in the value of the family benefit for children and young people under the age of 18, who are in the first and second income levels of the family benefit, has also been
implemented in a phased manner, reaching in 2023 a total annual amount of €600 per child or young person, already foreseeing, with regard to the first two income levels, a monthly allowance of €50 for children aged between 36 and 72 months.  
  • Who is entitled?
Children and young people, holders of the family benefit.
  • How to apply? 
This increase is automatically granted. If the household fulfils the entitlement conditions and the person concerned is holder of the family benefit for children and young people, it is not necessary to submit an application.
  • When does the increase start to be paid?
The increase in the value of the family benefit is paid as of July 2022.

  • Responsible entity

Instituto Segurança Social (ISS, IP)


Child Guarantee Supplement

Child Guarantee Supplement

  • What is it?

It is a supplement aimed to ensure that family benefit beneficiaries aged up to 17 receive an amount corresponding to the difference between the total amount of the reference value – which, in 2023, is €600 for beneficiaries aged up to 72 months and €492 for beneficiaries aged over 72 months – and the total amount corresponding to the Family Benefit granted and the personal tax deductions value calculated in the income tax assessment of the year in which the family benefit was paid, being the first payment of the Child Guarantee Supplement made in the first quarter of 2023. 

  • Who is entitled?

Children and young people aged up to 17, holders of the family benefit.

  • How to apply?

This benefit is automatically granted. If the household fulfils the entitlement conditions and the person concerned is holder of the family benefit for children and young people, it is not necessary to submit an application.

The calculated value of the Supplement is paid in accordance with the Personal Income Tax deduction rules, per dependent child entitled to this Supplement.

  • When did the Supplement start to be paid?

The Child Guarantee Supplement started to be paid in the first quarter of 2023, being the respective value calculated according to the personal income information on 31 December 2022. The reference values of the Child Guarantee Supplement are the following:

  1.  €600 for family benefit beneficiaries aged up to 72 months;
  2. €492 for family benefit beneficiaries aged over 72 months.
  • Responsible entity
The Child Guarantee Supplement is paid by the Tax and Customs Authority, in accordance with the rules applicable to personal tax deductions per dependent child, provided for in article 78-A of the Personal Income Tax Code.