The prioritization of families with children and young people in access to decent housing should be a priority when defining public policies, since it is considered that the lack of housing and/or poor living conditions are dimensions with a significant impact on the risk of poverty of children and young people, and can constitute serious obstacles in accessing essential services, namely, education, health and their general well-being.
Access to Essential Services
3 measures
Housing programme called 1º Direito
Housing programme called 1º Direito
What is it?
It is a support programme for access to housing, which is aimed to support the promotion of housing solutions for people living in unworthy housing conditions and who do not have the financial capacity to bear the cost of access to adequate housing.
Who is entitled?
•Families, to access adequate housing;
•Entities, to promote housing solutions, namely:
Autonomous Regions or Municipalities;
Public entities;
The 3rd Sector;
Associations of residents and housing and construction cooperatives;
Owners of properties located in degraded areas.
Who can promote the Programme?
The following entities may promote housing solutions within the scope of this Programme:
Autonomous Regions or Municipalities;
Public entities;
The 3rd Sector;
Associations of residents and housing and construction cooperatives;
Owners of properties located in degraded areas.
How to apply
The families must submit their applications for housing support to the municipality; then,
The municipality assesses the applications from the families within the framework of its local housing strategy and may choose to allocate municipal housing, integrate the families’ applications into its own application to be submitted to the Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute (IHRU – Instituto da Habitação e Reabilitação Urbana), or forward them as stand-alone applications.
The municipality sends the respective application to the Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute (IHRU), as well as the applications of other entities or families, to which the municipality has issued a favourable opinion.
The IHRU examines the applications and may request additional information or recommend changes to clarify or improve them.
The beneficiaries of the approved applications and the IHRU sign a financing or collaboration agreement within the scope of the housing programme 1º Direito.
Responsible entity
Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute
Front Door
Front Door
What is it?
It is a project whose main objective is to respond to situations of urgent need for accommodation of people who are temporarily or permanently deprived of their home or place of permanent residence or who are at imminent risk of staying in such a situation, as a result of an unpredictable or exceptional event.
Who is entitled?
Person or household that cumulatively meets the following requirements:
- To be in a situation where there is need of urgent accommodation;
- To be without an adequate housing alternative;
- To be in a situation of immediate financial unavailability, in which the person or household, at the time of the unpredictable or exceptional event, holds movable assets with a value lower than the limit established by legislation
Responsible entity
Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute
Porta 65 Jovem Programme
Porta 65 Jovem Programme
What is it?
It is a programme aimed to encourage house renting by young people in Portugal, who may apply to receive a share of the house rent payment.
Who is entitled?
Young people who live alone or in cohabitation, aged between 18 and 35.
In the case of a couple, the age limit for one of the members is 36 and the other 34.
The members of a “young couple” household type do not need to be married or live in a de facto relationship.
The tax address of all the young household members must be the same as the rented house;
The rent amount must be equal to or lower than 60% of the household's average gross monthly income;
The rent cannot exceed the maximum rent value allowed (RMA – renda máxima admitida) for the area where the dwelling is located and for the typology of the house (see the table of Maximum Rents by Municipality available on our portal);
The typology must be appropriate to the number of household members (see table III of Ministerial Order no. 277-A/2010 of 21 May and the situations described in question no. 6);
None of the young people or household members may be owners/co-owners or tenants for housing purposes in another building or fraction, regardless of the location of the building or fraction, or the way they became owners;
None of the young people may be relatives of the landlord;
The household's corrected monthly income cannot exceed four times the maximum rent amount allowed – RMA – (see the table of Maximum Rents by Municipality);
The household's corrected monthly income cannot exceed four times the Minimum Monthly Guaranteed Wage (RMMG – Retribuição Mínima Mensal Garantida). i.e., the minimum wage;
To reside permanently in the dwelling;
The support from this programme cannot be accumulated with other public housing financial support and the beneficiaries cannot have debts from the previous Youth Rental Incentive (IAJ – Incentivo ao Arrendamento por Jovens) programme, nor from the Porta 65 Jovem programme; however, the rental contract may fall within the scope of the Lease Support Programme (PAA – Programa de Apoio ao Arrendamento).
How to apply for the Porta 65 Jovem programme
The application must be submitted only through the electronic form available on the Housing Portal (Portal da Habitação).
The information required to open the application form is the taxpayer number of each young applicant and the same password used to access the Tax Administration portal (Portal das Finanças).
The 4 documents essential to the application must be scanned in PDF format and attached to it (maximum size 2 MB).
You can find 3 of the 4 necessary documents on the Tax Administration Portal:
EACH of the applicants must authenticate himself/herself separately on the same application, inserting his/her Taxpayer number and password and complete the respective personal details.
The application must include information on all the household members that actually live in the dwelling.
Only completed applications with the status “submitted” can be examined by the competent services.
In the case of a couple or young persons living in cohabitation, the 1st applicant submits the application and indicates the taxpayer number of the other members. After completing his/her personal details, saves the application and clicks on “sair” (exit).
Then, the 2nd applicant selects the “apresentar candidatura” (submit application) option, inserts his/her taxpayer number and access password and completes the application. Finally, one of the applicants simply sends the application to the Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute.
When to apply
There are four application periods per year: two consecutive periods in April, one in September and one in December, each with a duration of at least 15 days.
After the application submission, a request for clarification may be sent at any time during the examination period. The applicants should access the application area “prestar esclarecimentos” (provide clarifications) at least once a week. The application must be duly completed, since the request for clarification is not mandatory.