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Quality Education and School Activities

Equal access to education and school activities for all children and young people are key factors in breaking the intergenerational nature of social exclusion, while also helping to promote equal opportunities.


Access to Essential Services

12 measures


Visual and hearing health screenings and oral health screenings in schools

Visual and hearing health screenings and oral health screenings in schools

  • O que é?

The visual and hearing health screenings are carried out by local health teams in schools on students who have not done these in regular family medicine consultations.

  • Porquê?

Knowing that there are learning difficulties that arise from hearing and/or visual problems which are not detected on an early stage and that only become evident when there are already delays in learning, the early notification to local health teams for visual and/or hearing health screenings is essential.

  • A quem se destina?

Preferably students attending the 1st grade of basic education.

  • Como posso aceder?

Through the services of the school the child is attending.

  • Entidade responsável
  • Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Ministry of Health.



Periscope Island

Periscope Island

  • What is it?

It is a project of the Ministry of Education that provides a digital platform called "The Periscope Island", which hosts digital resources in the curricular areas of Portuguese, Mathematics and Science.

  • Who is it for?

To students of the 1st cycle of basic education.

Responsible entity

Ministry of Education.


Digitalisation programme for schools

Digitalisation programme for schools

  • What is it?

It is a program that provides digital equipment for individual use, with free mobile connectivity for all students and adjusted to the needs of each educational level. 

It also provides access to quality digital educational resources, namely: textbooks, activity books, interactive lessons, interactive tests, exam preparation, performance analysis, diagnosis and proposal of learning paths, progress report for parents and dictionaries, among others.

  • Who is it for?

Primary and secondary school students.

  • How can I access it?

Through the services of the school attended by the child and/or young person.

  • Responsible entity

Ministry of Education and Science.


Public system for lending ebooks and digital content to public schools

Public system for lending ebooks and digital content to public schools

  • What is it?

The Digital Library will allow widespread access to books and other digital resources, complementing the collection of libraries, namely school libraries.

At a time when the use of the Internet is part of the daily practices of the vast majority of Portuguese people and the use of digital technologies is widespread, it is essential to include the book, regardless of its format or support, in a public service for lending eBooks and other electronic resources.

  • Who is it for?

Primary and secondary school students.

  • How can I access it?

Through the services of the school attended by the child.

  • Responsible entity

Ministry of Education.


Textbooks in accessible formats

Textbooks in accessible formats

  • What is it?
The Directorate-General for Education will provide for an electronic platform called "Information System of Adapted School Textbooks", which is aimed to centralise and provide teaching materials adapted for students with specific needs, namely school textbooks in Braille and in digital format.
  • What types of materials are available?
    • School textbooks/books in Braille;
    • Books in Daisy format;
    • School textbooks in digital format;
    • Relief figures.
  • Who is covered?
    Students with specific needs attending the basic and secondary education levels.


  • How to apply
Through the services of the school the child and/or young person is attending.
The school board must identify the teachers who will be allowed to request the adapted materials. Only after this validation will it be possible to request the adapted school textbooks through the electronic platform.
  • Responsible entity

Ministry of Education and Science


Spaces for accompanied study, through peer mentoring or tutoring processes

Spaces for accompanied study, through peer mentoring or tutoring processes

  • What is it?

It is a proximity measure that aims to increase the involvement of students in learning and participation in school activities, namely through the planning and monitoring of the actions of the personalized learning process.

Students are driven to actively set goals, decide on appropriate strategies, plan their time, organize and prioritize materials and information, flexibly change approaches, monitor their own learning, and make necessary adjustments in new learning situations.

  • Who is it for?

Students of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of education.

  • How can I access it?

Through the services of the school attended by the child and/or young person.

  • Responsible entity

Ministry of Education and Science


School and adapted sports in the community

School and adapted sports in the community

  • What is it?

It is a measure that foresees the involvement of the broader educational community in school sports activities by extending them to other recipients, in addition to the students. In this sense, school sports teachers may now promote formal physical activities aimed at students, teachers, other school staff and families.

The activities carried out in this area may be of a more occasional nature, integrated into the non-teaching component of teachers, or the schools may choose to have a teacher responsible for carrying out regular activities (3 teaching periods per week).

  • What is the objective?
The objective of this measure is to make the human and material resources of schools available so that their broader educational community may be more active, thus contributing to their health and well-being.
The School Sports – Communities measure includes the following activities: mega-group classes for school staff and the local community, walking and cycling groups, development of activities in Sports Training Centres or sports tournaments and traditional family games.

  • Who is covered?
    Students and their families, teachers and staff from the basic and secondary education levels. 
  • How to apply
  • Through the services of the school the child and/or young person is attending.
  • Responsible entity

Ministry of Education and Science


Provision of at least one free healthy meal at school every school day

Provision of at least one free healthy meal at school every school day

  • What is it?

It is a measure that aims to offer at least one healthy meal, at school, every school day, free of charge to all students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

  • Who is it for?
  • Pre-school students who attend public schools and private or cooperative schools under an association contract; 
  • Primary and secondary school students who attend public schools and private or cooperative schools under an association contract;
  • Students from Vocational Schools located in geographical areas not covered by the Human Capital Operational Programme. 
  • How can I access it?

Through the services of the respective schools.

  • Responsible entity

- General Directorate of Education.

 - Municipalities.



Access to free school transport

Access to free school transport

  • What is it?

It is a measure aimed to provide for free school transport between the place of residence and the place where the educational establishment is located, for all students who meet the following requirements:

a) Free school transport for students in pre-school, basic and secondary education levels, who live more than 3 km away from the educational establishment they attend;

b) Free school transport for students with mobility difficulties, who benefit from measures within the scope of inclusive education, regardless of the distance between their residence and the educational establishment they attend, whenever their condition requires it;

c) Students whose enrolment is not made according to the established enrolment forwarding rules are not entitled to the free school transport as provided for in subparagraphs (a) and (b).

The free school transport referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) shall cover only two trips on school days and for routes that connect the place where the educational establishment is located and the student's residence area.

There may be other more favourable school transport schemes established by the Municipal Council.  

In addition, non-higher education students aged 4 to 18, who do not benefit from the above mentioned free school transport measure may benefit from the school pass called

  • Who is covered?
Students in pre-school, basic and secondary education levels.
  • How to apply
Through the services of the school the child and/or young person is attending.
  • Responsible entity
Municipal Council of the student’s residence area.

National Programme Sports for All

National Programme Sports for All

O Programa Nacional "Desporto para Todos" constitui-se como uma medida estrutural que visa apoiar programas de desenvolvimento desportivo que promovam a generalização da prática desportiva de âmbito informal, recreativa ou competitiva (não federada), entendida como uma atividade determinante na formação e no desenvolvimento integral dos/as cidadãos/ãs, na promoção da inclusão pelo Desporto e na melhoria da saúde, qualidade de vida e bem-estar.