Child Guarantee Local Units
Child Guarantee Local Units
- What are the Child Guarantee Local Units?
- What is the composition of the Child Guarantee Local Units?
- Who is covered by the Child Guarantee Local Units intervention?
- What are the methodological steps for the constitution of the Child Guarantee Local Units?
- What are the activities to be carried out by the Child Guarantee Local Units?
The Child Guarantee Local Centres are responsible for developing the following actions, namely:
a) At the diagnosis and planning level:
- To prepare and/or update the local diagnosis on child poverty and social exclusion, as a basis for planning the respective activity and contributing to the Social Network diagnosis;
- To plan the activities resulting from the diagnosis of the child poverty phenomenon in the Social Development Plan, identifying and mobilising the resources necessary to solve the problems detected, with a view to combining efforts and maximising resources;
- To prepare annual activity reports (which must be integrated into the Social Network report of each Social Action Local Councils).
To adopt an integrated and proximity intervention model, underlying the following considerations:
- To ensure the support and follow-up of families with children and young people who are in a situation of social vulnerability, particularly those covered by the Child Guarantee benefit;
- To develop initiatives that promote children and young people's access to information and knowledge about their rights, and promote cooperation, participation and civic intervention by children, young people and their families.
- To monitor and evaluate the initiatives and actions developed by the Child Guarantee Local Units;
- To contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the Child Guarantee Action Plan 2022-2030 (CGAP 2022-2030), in order to enable the submission to the European Commission, every two years, of a report on the progress made in the implementation of the Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee, and this information shall be available on the website of the National Coordination of the Child Guarantee.