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Social Action

Social Action

Strengthen Social Action with families with children and young people

The reinforcement of Social Action aims to prevent and eradicate situations of socio-economic inequality and/or social exclusion.


Proteção Social e Ação Social

2 measures


Child Guarantee Local Units

Child Guarantee Local Units

  • What are the Child Guarantee Local Units?
The Child Guarantee Local Units  are working groups especially aimed at the problems and needs of children, young people and their families in situations of social vulnerability and, in addition to the respective listed areas, they can always include people who do not belong to the Social Action Local Councils and that may be of added value in these thematic areas.
  • What is the composition of the Child Guarantee Local Units?
The composition of these working groups may vary, depending on the size of each territory; however, they must seek to cover all the areas provided for in the Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee (Council Recommendation (EU) 2021|1004 of 14 June 2021), Pillars of the Child Guarantee Action, and include the Coordinator of Local Contracts for Social Development in territories that have this programme aimed at child poverty.
  • Who is covered by the Child Guarantee Local Units intervention?
Families with children and young people (aged between 0 and 17), at risk of child poverty or social exclusion.

  • What are the methodological steps for the constitution of the Child Guarantee Local Units?
The Child Guarantee Local Centres (NLGPI) are constituted in the plenary session of the Social Action Local Councils of the different territories and their constitution must be recorded in the minutes, preceded by a presentation on the Child Guarantee to the partners and subsequent formalisation of the protocol.
  • What are the activities to be carried out by the Child Guarantee Local Units?

The Child Guarantee Local Centres are responsible for developing the following actions, namely:

a) At the diagnosis and planning level: 

  1. To prepare and/or update the local diagnosis on child poverty and social exclusion, as a basis for planning the respective activity and contributing to the Social Network diagnosis; 
  2. To plan the activities resulting from the diagnosis of the child poverty phenomenon in the Social Development Plan, identifying and mobilising the resources necessary to solve the problems detected, with a view to combining efforts and maximising resources;
  3. To prepare annual activity reports (which must be integrated into the Social Network report of each Social Action Local Councils).
b) At the intervention and follow-up level:

To adopt an integrated and proximity intervention model, underlying the following considerations:

  1. To ensure the support and follow-up of families with children and young people who are in a situation of social vulnerability, particularly those covered by the Child Guarantee benefit;
  2. To develop initiatives that promote children and young people's access to information and knowledge about their rights, and promote cooperation, participation and civic intervention by children, young people and their families.
c) At the monitoring and evaluation level:
  1. To monitor and evaluate the initiatives and actions developed by the Child Guarantee Local Units;
  2. To contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the Child Guarantee Action Plan 2022-2030 (CGAP 2022-2030), in order to enable the submission to the European Commission, every two years, of a report on the progress made in the implementation of the Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee, and this information shall be available on the website of the National Coordination of the Child Guarantee.

Strengthening the identification, guidance and follow-up of young NEETs

Strengthening the identification, guidance and follow-up of young NEETs

  • What is it?
It is one of the implementation axes included in the National Plan for the Implementation of a Youth Guarantee, whose objective is to create a methodology of support and follow-up of young NEETs, i.e., young people who are not in education, employment, or training.
Among other actions, this measure includes a Programme called «Trajetos» (Paths), which is aimed to promote access to education, training, employment or entrepreneurship opportunities for young people who are not in education, employment, or training.

This Programme implements two measures, in order to respond to the needs of two different segments of the young NEET population:

Empreende Já (Undertake now) - measure to support entrepreneurship, through the development of skills and business ideas, the creation of companies and self-employment, as well as the respective sustainability; this measure is aimed at young people who have completed the 12th grade;

Afirma-te Já (Assert yourself now) - measure to support the promotion of local intervention projects, with a view to removing or reducing barriers to access to education, vocational training and decent employment; this measure is aimed at young people in particularly vulnerable contexts.

  • What is the entity responsible for the development/operationalization of the “Trajetos” Programme? 
The “Trajetos” Programme is operated by the IPDJ, IP – Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. (Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth, P.I.) 

  • Who is covered by the Programme?

 Young people aged between 18 and 29 who are not included in any form of education, training or in the labour market.

  • Entity responsible for the promotion of the "Trajetos" Programme
IPDJ, IP - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I. P. (Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth, P.I.)